Meet And Greet Picnic! 野餐見面會

Location: Robin Williams Meadow Picnic Tables 1-6 @ Golden Gate Park

Date: Saturday 16th, 2023

Time: 11 AM – 3 PM

地點: 金門公園的 ROBIN WILLIAM 草地 野餐檯1-6

日期: 2023年 9月 16日

時間: 上午11:00 – 下午3:00

Join us as we kick off our 50th year of serving SF Families! Staff, board members, and families will meet at the picnic benches at Robin Williams Meadow.

We Will be providing delicious main dishes, and have activities planned including family entertainment, a jumphouse, and MORE!

召集華美學校的員工,董事會和家庭,在Robin Williams 草地上的區野餐長椅上,來慶祝華美50年提供服務給三藩市家庭。



Bubble Station: Free to make bubbles of all sizes.
Games: Challenge your friends and family to friendly competitions with games like cornhole and spike ball.
Tattoo Station: Get creative with temporary tattoos and show off your unique style.
Jump House: Bounce your way to fun and laughter in our inflatable jump house.
Pin Making Station: Craft your own custom pins as keepsakes from the event.
Animal Show: Starting at 12:00 pm, you can witness an amazing animal show that’s sure to delight animal lovers of all ages.
Magic Show: Prepare to be mystified at 1:30 pm with a captivating magic performance that will leave you in awe.


動物表演:從中午12:00 開始,您可以親眼目睹令人驚嘆的動物表演,一定會所有年齡段的動物愛好者大飽眼福!
魔術表演:下午 1:30開始,您將會欣賞到精彩的魔術表演,令您歎為觀止。

We will be raffling off various prizes that day. To sweeten the deal, we’re offering an extra raffle ticket for those who RSVP, giving you more chances to win exciting prizes throughout the day.

Please remember that space is limited, and we want to ensure that all our guests have a fantastic time. To guarantee your spot and help us make necessary arrangements, we kindly request that you RSVP by Thursday morning at 10 AM. Click here to RSVP.

Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to connect, have fun, and make lasting memories. We look forward to celebrating with you and your loved ones at our Meet and Greet Picnic Event!

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and we can’t wait to see you on September 16th!


請記住,名額有限,我們希望確保所有來賓都能玩得開心。為了保證您的席位並幫助我們做出必要的安排,我們懇請您在星期四上晝10 點前預訂。點擊此處回复


感謝您對此事的及時關注,我們等不及想在 9 月 16 日見到您!